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From Susan Kniep, President

From Susan Kniep, President

The Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer Organizations, Inc.


May 11, 2006









Keep a Check on the Federal Debt:


As we reflect upon the current debt crisis of  $8.360 Trillion dollars  it is interesting to go back and review the following ….  The Tax-Cut Pendulum and the Pit





Thanks to Scott Coleman of Rocky Hill, who has done so much to protect our interests at the State Legislature on Freedom of Information issues, I think the above picture which Scott carries on his website, says it all!


Rocky Hill Passes Budget:

 5-4 Vote Raises Taxes 8.5% In $52.5 Million Package



Senate Slates Vote on $70B Tax Cut Bill, 3:38 AM EDT, May 11, 2006
By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer,0,4737468.story

GOP Forges Measure On Taxes; House Ready To Act On $69 Billion Deal

May 10, 2006, By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press,0,498861.story




Lieberman highlights small contributions, but benefited most from bundles, big checks, and stepped-up PAC giving   By Don Michak, Journal Inquirer, 05/09/2006


Congratulations to Dr. Ron Papile of Watertown who was recently elected to President of the Watertown Taxpayers Association.  Ron assumes the helm from Jack Walton, the Vice President of FCTO, who was elected to the Watertown Legislative Body this past November.   Ron can be reached at . 


Mike Telesca,

Waterbury Taxpayers, Board Member of FCTO

Subject:  Waterbury Petition Drive

May 10, 2006


The Waterbury Taxpayers are currently collecting signatures to force a referendum on a 16.8 million dollar bond issue to build one very large firehouse in downtown Waterbury.That is costing a total of $435 a foot for a 38,000 squ.foot building! We feel that this project is oversized, overpriced and just not needed. It also increases response time to the west end of the City thereby lowering fire safety. Even the firemen who will be working at this station are unhappy with this location as it will make it harder for them to get to a fire on the west end of the city in as short of a time as possible. This is a waste of taxpayers money. We need 3,000 signatures by May 27th and can use any help that we can get. Please call Mike Telesca at 203-573-9524 or the Independent Party line at 203-8318. The Waterbury Independent Party and members of the Waterbury Firemen are helping with this Petition drive.


16.8 million - one firehouse and HQ building

31 million - Special Education School - 6 million our cost the rest from the State

30 to 40 million- to re-do City Hall Building- first look at the costs to be May 18th workshop meeting with BOA and The  Mayor at 5:30 at the Mayor's Office.  (We are currently paying $1200 a day rent on temporary  space to move City hall into since Dec. 1, 05 without anyone moving yet.) Current plans call for the work on city hall to start in about 18 months. Who said that we don't have any money to burn in this City? Michael Telesca


Foreclosures Up 72 Percent From Last Year

Georgia, Colorado and Indiana Post Nation’s Highest First-Quarter Foreclosure Rates National foreclosure filings continued to climb in the first three months of 2006, evidence that more U.S. homeowners are struggling to stay current on their monthly mortgage payments.  A total of 323,102 properties nationwide entered some stage of foreclosure in the first quarter of 2006, a 72 percent year-over-year increase from the first quarter of 2005 and a 38 percent increase from the previous quarter, according to the RealtyTrac™ U.S. Foreclosure Market Report. The nation’s quarterly foreclosure rate of one new foreclosure for every 358 U.S. households was higher than in any quarter of last year. Article Continues….



Governor Rell Announces Commission To Examine Judicial Branch Openness  May 8, 2006 

(Listen to Governor Rell's Remarks Here.)  (Read Gov. Rell’s remarks here: )





Mike Guarco, BudgetGuru06035

Subject:  Updated Message from the Connecticut Consortium for Municipal Fiscal Responsibility

April 13, 2006

As we anticipated, with the legislative session more than halfway through, 153 boards and board chairmen -- representing 98 towns across Connecticut -- have joined in endorsing the Connecticut Municipal Consortium for Fiscal Responsibility in its grassroots and bipartisan efforts to seek legislative reforms that will not cost the state government a nickel.  Instead, our efforts would indeed help reduce the slope of the municipal cost curve going forward.   We feel that, in the debate on property tax reform that rages across our state, equal footing must be given to the expenditure side of the equation.  In particular, a focus needs to be placed on state interventions into local fiscal affairs, and their negative implications in terms of both local property tax rate increases as well as their slowly squeezing programs out of the budgets -- in town after town, school district after school district. Connecticut can do better............. and those 153 boards from 98 towns around Connecticut agree with us! We have been pleased to see the Board of Finance of the City of Milford become the 150th board to endorse, joining its Board of Education which joined two months ago. The sting of an arbitration award of 6.1% a couple years back that meant a reduction in teaching staff by up to 22 people has not been forgotten in that community, nor have the commitments made by legislators from that city to do something about it - commitments made, but seemingly broken.  Recently, the Labor Committee, chaired by Senator Edith Prague of Columbia and Representative Kevin Ryan of the Bozrah area, held a hearing on raising the thresholds at which the so-called prevailing wage statute applies to municipal construction projects. A dozen or more of Consortium member towns testified, and an equal number attended in support of the speakers....... a far greater showing than committees typically see from the towns. However, these two chairpersons seem to have killed the bill, without so much as a public debate on these important issues, or even placing the prevailing wage issue on the agenda to be discussed among themselves. A number of us now seek to meet with the chairs to discuss this avoidance of taking up a matter of major public interest.  Mike Guarco - Finance Chairman - Town of Granby  Apr 13, 2006 08:05 am





Subject:   RHAM Budget:  Referendum Results Are In
The Hebron town budget has passed by 383 votes.  808 residents voted Yes; 425 voted No.
The Hebron CIP budget has passed by 405 votes.  812 residents voted Yes; 407 voted No. 
The RHAM budget has passed by 421 votes.  The budget passed in Hebron by 332 votes, passed in Marlborough by 119 votes, and failed in Andover by 30 votes. 

The final vote tally on RHAM, by town, was as follows:
Hebron            Yes = 780        No = 448  
Andover          Yes = 109        No = 139
Marlborough  Yes = 331        No = 212
Total                Yes = 1,220     No = 799



Jim Hoover,

Susan, Report from Vernon Referendum

May 9, 2006


Susan,  We put a great deal of effort into stopping the 5.5%, $4,000,000 tax increase that our Democratic Mayor stated in the JI had a lot of fat that the Republicans couldn't find. 

Yes:  1028

No:    2084

There was an exit poll and here are the results: 

                                     Town Side                          Education Side

Too High                           1220                                    1053

Just Right                           479                                      454

Too Little                              75                                      245

There are 15075 registered voters in this town; ergo, 20.6% of those registered voted.  Comments by myself and the past president of the VTA were made to the Reminder, JI, and Courant.  Jim Hoover


Hartford Courant:  Vernon Voters Reject $71.9 Million Budget Plan; Proposal Loses 2,084 to 1,028 In Season's First Referendum,0,1622436.story






John Durand,,

Tolland Taxpayers Website:

Tolland Budget Results

May 7, 2006

Just a note to keep you up to speed on local budget issues.  I'm proud to announce that last tues. tolland voters defeated a 4.74% tax rate increase proposal  with ABSOLUTELY NO effort on the part of
the Tolland Taxpayers Assocn.  I announced at the budget presentation  meeting that the Taxpayers Assocn. made no effort during this budget season as a means of emphasizing that efforts over recent years to educate and stimulate the voters have paid off.  The fact that a 4.74% budget was rejected, even with advocated for increased spending putting forth every possible effort for passage, sent a message which was far more powerful than if we had advocated strongly for defeat. The voters rejected this budget on their own.  I think this was a major breakthrough and milestone. The Council is sending it back to the voters next Tues. as a 4.3% tax rate increase. John Durand, a director of Tolland Taxpayers Association,





Legislature fails to act on eminent domain reform, By STEPHANIE REITZ Associated Press Writer  May 4, 2006, 6:35 PM EDT  HARTFORD, Conn. -- Despite the state's status as ground zero for the nationwide debate over eminent domain, Connecticut lawmakers failed to act in this year's legislative session on proposals to limit the property-taking practice.,0,696862.story?coll=ny-region-apconnecticut


Thanks to Arlene Yacobacci an astute opponent of Eminent Domain who has made her position clear to the State Legislature, we successfully corrected the State’s public record on this matter. Refer to the following….


Arleen Yacobacci ,

May 3, 2006

Subject:  Eminent Domain Legislation

I don't know if you have seen this yet but the Planning and Development Committee had listed all of our testimony (yours included) as being favorable to Bill # SB-34.  The only opposing views are shown as Joseph Wachtowski and the Connecticut Conference on Municipalities.  Even Atty. Scott Bullock's testimony is showing as being favorable to the bill.  My husband and I have been trying to get a hold of our Senator Crisco through phone calls and emails but with no response. I don't see where the bills under consideration restrict eminent domain yet it clearly states that it does.  Please feel free to contact me.


From Susan Kniep:  After receiving the above email from Arleen, I contacted the clerk of the Planning and Development Committee.  He corrected the report which follows…


Corrected Version:





Susan,  I sent this LTE to the Rivereast, the Chronicle, the Courant and the Journal-Inquirer today.

Ken Mosher,
Subject:  Letter to the Editor re RHAM Budget
April 25, 2006

The median consumer price index, as published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, has held steady under 2.5% on a yearly basis for the last year.   The RHAM Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Siminski, presented the RHAM  board of education with an initial budget request of 6.5% over last year.  That was an improvement over previous requests and reinforced my belief that the RHAM board made an excellent choice when we hired him last year.  However, the RHAM board has the further responsibility to modify the budget request to ensure that it provides an adequate education for the lowest possible tax burden.  The RHAM board failed miserably to perform its duties in that regard.  While energy costs have risen drastically, they consume only 4.5% of our budget.  Furthermore, our facilities manager has saved us over $150/day just in electricity usage, so it appears that energy costs are being addressed aggressively.  The most effective way to reduce the RHAM budget is to address the salaries and benefits which consume 70.1% of our budget.  RHAM administrators get a 4% raise; non-certified personnel get a 4.72% raise.  The new RHAM Education Association contract gives raises that average 4.5% next year.  Salary increases total over $750,000.  That contract also includes a tiny increase in health insurance premium costs for teachers and a small increase in office visit co-pays, which save us money.  Taken overall, however, the REA contract continues to offer pay increases and benefits that far exceed what we private sector taxpayers get.  The level of contempt I feel the teacher’s union showed for the taxpaying public during the negotiations sickened me.  But the specter of losing during binding arbitration prevented the board from insisting on the taxpayer-friendlier package.  During the March budget meetings I proposed $113,166 worth of budget reductions.  Not one of them affected the academic program.  My fellow board members approved only $8250 of those reductions.  I invite the tax slaves of Andover, Hebron and Marlborough to decide for themselves, but on May 2 I will vote NO on the RHAM budget.  Sincerely,Ken MosherAndover, CT 860-462-8899



Subject:  Taxpayers Bill of Rights

May 6, 2006


Your constitutional amendment (TABOR) sounds good. However, you need to add another line about the abuse of power used by DCF!!!!That agency should be abolished or at least drastically reformed. If DCF exists during biblical times they would charge Mary and Joseph of child abuse for having baby Jesus live in a manger in violation of Bethlehem housing codes. They would take baby Jesus from them and place Jesus with a foster family in Babylonia. That would have totally changed world history.







May 1, 2006

Subject:  Insane – Ragaglia - She is a "DCF crook" and our state employs her as a top medicaid fraud

Did anyone read the article on the Ex-DCF Commissioner:  "Blumenthal is speaking of Kristine Ragaglia, a top medicaid fraud investigator, who has been stripped of her duties after Governor Jodi Rell learned she testified to receiving many of the same gifts that brought down the Rowland administration. "  She is a "DCF crook" and our state employs her as a top medicaid fraud investigator.  SHAME ON HER.  SHAME ON HER.  SHAME on the STATE for allowing this madness to go on.  This is insane...  And the state expect us to trust DCF and DMR? 
Here is the full article from the WTNH website:  Later, Rick  -  Fraud investigator admitted taking lavish gifts under Rowland  (WTNH, May 1, 2006 10:30 PM) _ A state official who helped send former
Governor John Rowland to prison admits that she took many of the same gifts  he did when steering state contracts.  Kristine Ragaglia has been stripped of some of her duties at the Department of Social Services as the investigation goes on.  by News Channel 8's Jamie Muro  Information has surfaced Ragaglia received expensive hotel getaways,   dinners, and limousine rides that were used to bribe Rowland's office.  State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal told News Channel 8 that action will be taken.  Blumenthal doesn't mince words when he discusses the latest troubled link to the Rowland administration.  "The Rowland debacle remains with us unfortunately," says Blumenthal. Blumenthal is speaking of Kristine Ragaglia, a top medicaid fraud investigator, who has been stripped of her duties after Governor Jodi Rell learned she testified to receiving many of the same gifts that brought down the Rowland administration.  Ragaglia's grand jury testimony came in 2004, when Rowland was being investigated.  She is now a defendant in a civil lawsuit by Blumenthal, who is trying to regain millions lost during Rowland's tenure.  "We are determined to everything we can, within the law, not only money, but the good name of our state government and the credibility of the public trust."  According to the Associated Press, Ragaglia testified she took gifts while heading the state Department of Children and Families and helped land a $57 million detention center contract to a developer who gave gifts to Rowland.  "Anytime wrong-doing by a state public official comes to light, certainly is a sad day, a frustrating day."  In a statement, Governor Rell said, "These revelations are more than troubling and, if true, raise many questions. That Ms. Ragaglia may have defrauded the state as a commissioner is intolerable enough, but she certainly should not be heading a fraud unit at a state agency."Ragaglia cooperated with an FBI investigation that convicted Rowland. She told the Associated Press she did her best to make things right by testifying before a grand jury.


State hires investigator, budgets $30,000 for Ragaglia inquiry, May 9, 2006
Associated Press,0,4725334.story



Read what others are saying about this recent revelation in Corrupticut!





AVON – May 10: Local voters will go to the polls today to decide whether to approve the next annual town budget, which would require a tax increase of less than 3 percent.  the nearly $62 million proposed spending plan for 2006-07,0,5881183.story

BLOOMFIELD:  May 10 - School Budget Cut $425,000,0,5693767.story

BROOKFIELD:  The Budget Referendum Vote is on Tuesday May 16th.
Polls are open from: 6:00am - 8:00pm, Polling places are: Brookfield High School & Huckleberry Hill School.
Absentee ballots are available in the Town Clerk's Office until 5/15/06

CLINTON:  May 9 - Budget Set For Vote Wednesday; $40 Million Proposal Calls For 5.8 Percent Increase In Spending,0,2254907.story

DURHAM:  May 9 - Town Budget Passes Easily; $5.6 Million Plan Is Up 5.8 Percent,0,1262678.story

ESSEX: May 10:  A $17.77 million town budget for 2006-07 won quick and unanimous approval at the annual budget meeting Monday night.,0,7283356.story

MANCHESTER:  May 9:  Budget Concern: Public Safety; Both Parties Seek Improvements, But With Different Funding,0,5755896.story

MIDDLETOWN:  May 10:  Council Passes Budget After $286,000 Trim; A Typical City Homeowner Will Pay About $280 More In Taxes,0,5737497.story

PLAINVILLE – May 10:  When residents vote on a budget for the 2006-2007 fiscal year next week, they will find the plan they are voting on almost identical to the $49.5 million package they rejected on May 2,0,765951.story

PORTLAND:  May 10, 2006  The $27.455 million spending plan for 2006-07 passed Monday, 531-414, with absentee ballots tallied.,0,4670540.story

SOUTHINGTON:  May 9 - $106.5 Million Budget Gets Council Approval; Spending Increase Will Be $4 Million,0,1070668.story

SOUTH WINDSOR:  May 9, 2006 - Council Adopts Town's Budget; Tax Rate Will Rise 1.85 Percent,0,2360628.story